Tag Archives: Community Platform

Press Statement – Budget 2021

A network of 30 national community and voluntary organisations has called on the Government to put the values of Community, Participation and Decency at the heart of Budget 2021 and use it to redress ongoing inequalities in our society that Covid-19 had highlighted and reinforced.

The Community Platform, a network of 30 national organisations working to address poverty, social exclusion and inequality, has published Four Tests which it will use to assess Budget 2021.

Valuing Social Dialogue

The Community Platform has published Valuing Social Dialogue which outlines the Values, Principles and Practice which should inform genuine and inclusive social dialogue.  This is crucial if we are to move forward in a balanced way that strengthens our economy, our environment, our society and our communities to the benefit of. everyone and leaves no-one behind.

Values Manifesto for Elections 2020

In the run-up to Elections 2020 the Community Platform has developed a values based manifesto and materials to promote it. The values of Community, Participation and Decency must be to the fore in Election 2020. Electing people who will deliver on these values on the 8th February will help achieve the type of inclusive society we all want to live in . You can download the Election 2020 Manifesto and a Public Leaflet with questions you can ask candidates who knock on your door. You can also the view the MyValuesMyVote video and follow the Community Platform on twitter @CommunityP_IRL .

Declaring our Human Rigths

The Community Platform joined with the Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Alliance to mark the 70th Anniversary of the signing of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The ‘Declaring our Human Rights’ event involved group and personal reflections of the meaning of the Declaration for people’s lives, song and creative expression. Everyone was reminded of the importance of continuing to demand that everyone’s human rights be respected and realised. The Platform and ESC Rights Initiative issued the this press release on the day.